

With over 20 years of experience in the residential development industry MoliorLondon offers a range of information to help key players make better informed decisions.

You can get the following from Molior:

  1. Sales Research - who is building what and where; marketing strategies and sales rates; scheme-by-scheme pricing across all of London.

  2. Planning Research - scheme-by-scheme applications and appeals, committee decisions, planning consents and reasons for refusal.

  3. Land Research - scheme-by-scheme land value information across all of London; site owner contact details; owner interviews showing who plans to build, sell or wait.

  4. Small Schemes Research - in the central areas we provide scheme-by-scheme details on projects as small as five units; elsewhere the threshold is 20 units.

  5. Sites Pre-Planning Research - details on 2,000 London development sites pre-planning; each can take 50+ homes; contact details are provided for all of the land owners.

  6. Networking - come and meet 200 of the top people in London's residential development industry at Thirsty Thursday every two months.

  7. S106 Research - S106 financial payment and affordable housing agreements.

  8. PRS Research - Private Rented Sector players, deals and rents.

70 Upper Richmond Road, London SW15 2RP, United Kingdom

Locations covered: London United Kingdom

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