

We are the leading membership body for the sector with nearly 17,500 members who display the Propertymark Protected logo. Our Board, who set our strategic direction, comprise practicing agents and we work closely with members to set professional standards through regulation, accredited and recognised qualifications, an industry-leading training programme and mandatory Continuing Professional Development. We provide guidance, advice and research as well as a comprehensive programme of workshops, conferences and events. We regulate members’ activity according to a code of conduct and rules, with disciplinary action for instances of non-compliance. Propertymark launched in February 2017 combining five different associations into a single brand. The five associations (ARLA, NAEA, NAVA, ICBA and APIP) were dedicated to promoting the highest industry standards for over 50 years. Propertymark members are practising agents helping people to buy, sell and rent their treasured homes every day.
Arbon House, Warwick CV34 6LG, UK

Locations covered: Midlands United Kingdom

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