Studio Egret West


Studio Egret West was established in November 2004 by Christophe Egret and David West with a shared vision: To offer strategy with architectural specificity; and specificity within an overall strategy.

Studio Egret West brings surprise and delight to place making.  Architecture is too often seen in isolation from its urban context. Planning is too often seen as soulless, unspecific proposals that gather dust on shelves. We believe that the way forward is the osmosis between planning and architecture. Studio Egret West is just this.

We follow no formula and no recipe. Not just architecture by architects and not just planning by planners. 50/50 Architecture and Urban Design with the public realm prioritised as the foundation of sustainable communities.

We are a growing practice of international architects, urban designers, landscape architects, graphic designers and model makers with diverse interests and skills. Our tight-knit team work together in a collaborative studio environment. Our graphic designers form part of the team, exploring the unique identity and branding of places. Our in-house model making team help us test different design iterations as part of an interactive design process.

We are constantly looking for people and places that share our ambitions and want to work with us. No lectures. No superiority and no pretensions. Just high ambitions, clarity of thinking and imagination in abundance.

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3 Brewhouse Yard, Clerkenwell, London EC1R, UK

Locations covered: London United Kingdom

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